Mosaic Monday   22 comments

It was a whirlwind weekend for me at home.   Here are a couple of mosaics from my birthday dinner with the hubby last Thursday evening!

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Palisade is one of our favorite restaurants in the Seattle area.  The food is just wonderful and the view’s not so bad either!


Starred Photos53

For more Mosaic Monday posts, head on over to The Little Red House!

22 responses to “Mosaic Monday

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  1. Ahhh, oooo, whoa! All so beautiful. The perfect setting for a celebration. Seattle waterfront and skyline is the best!! Blessings on you dear sister…

  2. Happy birthday, Lana! It looks like you had a wonderful time! The food looks fantastic and I love the night photos of Seattle. I hope to go there one day! Happy week!…Debbie

  3. Great mosaics!

  4. Happy Belated birthday and it looks like you had a wonderful celebration dinner. I have never been to Seattle and I especially loved the beautiful mosaic!

  5. Oh Happy late Birthday! looks like you had a great time! The food looks amazing & the view…breath taking!!!

  6. Happy belated birthday! It looks like you had a marvelous birthday! My daughter and son in law visited Seattle last year this time of year and loved it!

  7. Wow, the city mosaic is absolutely breathtaking. So gorgeous. I want to go there.

  8. Ooooh, what talent you have to think of such a lovely mosaic of Seattle, sugar! We’re heading over there on saturday to visit with our granddaughter. I love Washington and would live there if we could afford it. Very expensive, chickee! Nice to meet you. Thank you for your visit and comment; I appreciate each and every one………

  9. Gorgeous photographs! I’ve never been to Seattle (at least as an adult) and would love to visit…. So glad you enJOYed your birthday celebration!

  10. Beautiful..and the only way I will ever see it is through pics..
    And happy birthday to you and your womb mate..:)
    Many more!

  11. Happy birthday! looks like a fantastic celebration! Beautiful shots!

  12. Happy (belated) birthday. Such a romantic dinner under the beautiful moon.

  13. Fantastic shots.

    Looks like you have great taste and the guy you have is pretty giving 🙂

    TTFN~~ Claudia ♥

  14. First off happy belated birthday! I love Seattle… I used to work on a yacht there in Friday Harbor! We would cruise the San Juans… I used to fly into Seattle, take a taxi to Lake Union and catch a Kennmore Air seaplane to Friday Harbor and land right at the Marina where the boat was! Lovely mosaic…
    Have a great week!
    ~Really Rainey~

  15. Absolutely fantastic!
    Happy Birthday.

  16. This is so lovely — have not been to Seattle in years, but I remember it as a beautiful city and now I know it still is! Looks like you had a delicious and romantic birthday dinner, too. Happy Birthday!


  17. Lovely shots, great mosaics – looks like you had a wonderful birthday celebration!

  18. Just beautiful. I love Seattle.
    Happy Birthday!

    Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts

  19. Such beautiful photography. I loved looking through your photos, makes me want to see Seattle again.

  20. wonderfully beautiful!

  21. Love your mosaic’s of Seattle. We were there in June and went to the Palisades also. Love it too!

  22. Happy Belated Birthday! It looks like a great celebration. You guys seem to know how to enjoy life!! What a blessing!

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